Let’s chat about something that tends to get thrown around quite a bit in the online marketing space: consistency.
At the core of it, email marketing is relationship building, and as such, any relationship requires consistency.
Think about it: if you met someone and started dating them, would you wait around for them while they ghosted you for weeks or even months?
Marketing is the same way.
Go too long without contact, and your subscribers will forget about you. They will trust you less when you sell something, because if you regularly ghost them, what’s to say that you won’t do it after they purchase?
Building that trust is everything when it comes to marketing.
But I get it — you might be thinking, what could I possibly send out every week that would actually be useful?
In this video I want to share some of my best tips on how you can stay consistent with emailing — both ideas on what type of content you can send, AND how to make it easier on yourself to be consistent using the tech tools and automation.
1. Use a Content Vault
When you sit down to write an email to your list, your first thought is probably, “I don’t know what to talk about.” And it’s a very common thought among my clients, too.
But the truth of it is, that you probably have ideas about your topic/niche all the time!!
Next time you answer a question, or talk to someone about your topic, jot down what you said into a document or a note. Keep adding to that document every time you get a moment of inspiration. This will become your “vault” of great content ideas.
Then next time you are writing an email, or thinking about what video to create for your business, you can pull up your content vault document and pick something from the list.
Chances are, you would have otherwise forgotten about half of those ideas if you hadn’t written them down.
Are all of them going to be winners? Probably not. But an email doesn’t have to have a ton of value to be useful. You can use just one of your one-punch tips in your weekly email to your list. Other topics may be extensive enough to write a whole blog post or record a whole video about.
Next time you come up with even a potential content idea, no matter how small or disjointed, just write it down somewhere you’ll easily have access to. Keep it all in one place so you can easily reference it later.
2. It doesn’t always have to be traditional “content”
When we talk about “content” in the online marketing space, we often mean long-form content that contains lots of valuable tips. Think blog posts like this one, videos like the ones I create on my YouTube channel, or podcast episodes.
But your emails don’t always have to be chock full of this long-form content.
Sometimes, your audience doesn’t need more tips or tricks. Sometimes they just need a pep talk.
What are some mindset things that are keeping your peeps stuck? What limiting beliefs do they have about themselves or what they are trying to accomplish? What are some of those sneaky thoughts that prevent them from taking that necessary next step to achieve their desired result?
Speaking to those points can help you connect deeper with your audience and show them that you understand where they are coming from.
The other common misconception you might have about the content that you send out in your emails is that it all has to come from just you.
But you might know someone in your network that compliments your services and products really well, whose content you truly enjoy and maybe even recommend. Don’t be afraid to highlight others in your space and share their resources with your audience.
You can also share some good tools or apps that would help your audience, too. Think about what you use that makes your life easy, and share it if you believe it will help your subscribers, too.
3. It doesn’t have to be written
Not everyone is a writer. And, chances are, if you sit there and stare at the blinking cursor on the blank page, writing may not come as easily to you – and that’s okay!!
Luckily, today, there are a number of ways you can use to get your message out there.
If it’s easier for you to talk, consider starting your content creation – including emails – with video.
Don’t want to worry about being “camera ready?” Record an audio note instead.
You can send the audio file directly, or have it transcribed and edited into a text email, it’s your choice.
Your subscribers actually hearing your voice is a great boost to building your know, like, and trust factor, and if it’s easier for you to create your content by talking, there’s no reason not to.
The important thing is that you get your message out to your audience.
The method and media you use doesn’t matter as much.
4. Use email automation
Now let’s switch to how you can use the tech and tools to make consistency easier for you.
It’s no secret that computers are WAY better at consistency than us mere humans.
Computers don’t have mindset blocks, they don’t second-guess themselves, and they will send out what they have been told to send out, no ifs or buts about it.
So while you may vacillate on hitting that “send” button on an email that you’re not sure is the “best” or most “perfect” it can be (I put those in quotes because there’s no such thing as the best of perfect email), your email service provider will not have that same hesitation.
For this reason, I am a big fan of automating anything that can be automated.
I schedule my email newsletters to be sent on the day/time that I choose in advance, and once it’s scheduled, I don’t give it another thought. In fact, I am often surprised at how good the content is once it comes through to my own email inbox. Past me definitely knew what she was talking about!!
You might have the same experience – content that you didn’t think was amazing while you were in the thick of creating it may be just the thing your subscribers need. And, once you have had some distance from it, you might see it in a different light.
If you only automate ONE thing in your business, I highly suggest that it be your email Welcome Series. This is the series of emails that your subscribers will get right when they first subscribe to your email list. You can read more about how to write your email welcome series in this post right here, or you can skip the reading about it and go straight to writing it in an afternoon with my easy-to-follow Welcome Email Series Templates.

Get your FREE Welcome Series Email Template Pack!
Write the 6 essential emails you need to convert every subscriber to a super-fan with:
- Easy to follow, fill in the blank instructions
- Subject line ideas for every email
- Video training for even more tips and ideas
5. Chain sequences together – auto-magically
Are you a “set it and forget it” kind of person?
If the idea of doing the work just once and done appeals to you, and your content is evergreen (meaning, the content doesn’t change too much or too often or seasonally), you may be in the perfect position to automate your whole email marketing strategy.
Every email service provider (ActiveCampaign, ConvertKit, MailChimp, what have you) has the ability to allow you to start another email sequence once a subscriber is finished with the current one.
What this means is that you can set up strategic email sequences that have just the right mix of giving value and selling your offers that you won’t have to manually email your subscribers for weeks if not months.
With evergreen content, you can even automate your weekly newsletter. This whole thing is about consistency – not about working harder or doing more things.
Setting up automations is just about the most consistent thing you can do for your business, because your marketing is going to be running behind the scenes with little to no input from you.
6. Batch your emails ahead of time
If you’re not ready for full-on automation, or if you need to have more control over which emails get sent when, you can still take advantage of a computerized system’s consistency.
You can set your own schedule for what works best for you, so the following are just some ideas to get you started thinking about how you can implement batching.
Batching just means that instead of writing your emails each week just in time for them to be published, you write a whole bunch of them in one day, and then schedule them to be sent out over the next few weeks.
Some people are great at this and can schedule out 6 months to a year in advance. Others batch 30-90 days out.
There’s no right or wrong way to do batching. The best way is to start small, maybe schedule out the next months’ emails (if you’re sending weekly emails, that’s just 4 or 5 emails, tops). See what that kind of workload looks like in your schedule, and see if you can have a couple of these “batching” days.
Another thing to keep in mind is that, just because you already scheduled out your emails for the next month (or two, or three), it doesn’t mean that you can’t go back to them and add things.
Did you just find out about a promotion for your affiliate product? Or maybe you want to include a blurb about your new workshop, or a new product that will be useful to your subscribers.
Feel free to add this information as a pre-header or in the P.S. of your finished emails. That way, you won’t have to reinvent the whole email, but still be able to include timely information.
Whichever method of the above you choose to help you keep consistency in your emails, I hope that you use these tips to come up with a plan for how you can send out at least next month’s emails consistently, without fail.
If you are ready to get some help with your email marketing, I invite you to grab a 20 min call with me, and we’ll brainstorm how we can make your email more efficient and effective at making you more sales. Book that call on my calendar right here.

Who’s writing this thing, anyway?
Anna Crosby is your email marketing go-to gal behind Geni Collective.
Read more tips and how-tos on email marketing at the Geni Collective Blog, watch her videos on her YouTube channel, and grab her handy email marketing templates & workshops.
Want some 1:1 time with Anna? Book a 20 min call to chat and see how you can get her eyes and brain on your business.
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